Record Of March 15th
Today Task
- Organize the workflow and make it clearer;
- Learn CSS , summarize HTML & CSS;
- Complete the demo of Online Mall System.
Work Flow
- 先做思维导图的表设计,等审核;(磨刀不误砍柴工)
Prior to completing diagram design with Xmind ,then wait for approval;
- 做好表名和字段中英互译+功能列表.txt+代码复制准备;
Complete table and attributes with English translation, fill in function list text and source codes word;
- 在Jeecg输入制表字段建立,完成数据库建立和测试数据;
Put all attributes into jeecg to generate sql file ,then build the database with test data;
- 生成vue和java代码然后移动到相应的位置;
Generate codes of vue & java, then move them to concerning path where they should be;
- 重启前后端代码,配置好路由和菜单;
Reboot the program of front-end & back end, configure router and menu;
- 若没问题后改好系统名称,进行打包交付。
Rename file with correct title and package them all if there are no any issues.
How to package VUE with yarn & npm
Use npm to install yarn
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then we can get the dist directory
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yarn VS npm
What is NPM?
NPM, or Node Package Manager, is the default package manager for Node.js and ships pre-installed when you download Node.js on your system. With NPM, it is quite easy and simple to install, manage and remove Node.js dependencies in your project.
NPM involves three things:
- A website for managing various aspects of your NPM experience
- A registry for public database of Node.js packages
- A CLI for interacting via terminal
What is Yarn?
Yarn, or Yet Another Resource Navigator, is a relatively new package manager developed by Facebook. It was developed to provide more advanced capabilities that NPM lacked at the time (such as version locking) while also making it safer, more reliable, and more efficient.
NPM has introduced several important features ever since Yarn was released. Yarn is now more of an alternative to NPM than a replacement in its current version.
Since Yarn doesn’t come pre-installed with Node.js, it needs to be installed explicitly as:
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Once installed globally, you can use it on a per-project basis by setting the desired version inside our project as below:
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Summary of HTML
Basic element
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List element
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table element
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form element