Installation Of Win11 With Parallels Desktop 17 On MacOS

Sometimes I need Windows system to do something necessary.I hate it but we don’t have other choices.Therefor, the ideal way to solve is installing PD on MacOS.

This is a record during I use PD17 to install Win 11 on my Macbook Air.Maybe sometimes I need to review and reinstall it in the future when it is expired.

Download packages from my aDrive

What we need are shown as below

  • Parallels Desktop 17
  • Win11
  • ac.bat (Actiate Windows)
  • PD Patner (Skip notification of PD trial alert)


Follow the tips of installation package step by step then we can finish.

Solution to network issues

We oftentimes may meet the issues of network on Parallels Destop.To solve it, you can follow below.

  1. Edit network.desktop.xml.
cd /Library/Preferences/Parallels

vim network.desktop.xml
  1. Modified [-1] or [0] as [1] , then save it.(sometimes should be 0)

#sometimes should be 0

Path Of PD17

Finally, we have gotten win11 on MacOS successfully!!

Win11 On MacOS

Installation Of Win11 With Parallels Desktop 17 On MacOS
Spike Wong
Posted on
November 6, 2022
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